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The 30 Year Old Grom

This Spotlight is on a guy I started to follow a while ago. Not years by any means, but a good few months.

"Grom", Martin, And me started talking a little. See we had some things in Common with interests too. I had dabbled in putting couple vlogs out and had gone live couple times, before I started following "Grom", but never pushed it. I guess kind of disappointed. Watching these big vlogs and the mind going to that instead of small steps.

Martin inspired me. I wrote a message I believe on his You Tube channel and he responded. Since then conversations have opened up. He kept lifting me to pick up the vlog side. Thanks to this fella I now get comments on some of the few posts I have on my Channel right now. Then I see drone work popping up on his channel (If It Fires Up) Turns out, I have the same drone he does. I started hearing his fears with it on his YouTube channel and started relating. But more I watch, the more I see "Groms" confidences build with flying it. Which is translating to raising my energy with flying it. Batteries are charged and will get that going again. So again, I have "Grom" to thank.

I relate because he is an every day fella like myself. Has the same fears with things to do with youtubing the drone Etc, as I do and has the positive side outlook. Grabbing the camera and just doing it. Putting it out there and doing it for him, because he enjoys it. Its inspiring. Now I watch him working on his surfing. Growing with it. You can see the excitement and drive, the want to get there, wherever that is!

Anybody that knows me has seen me change. I use whatever sticks on my journey. That includes people I meet. "Grom" is one of those people. I am all about the mind and asked if Martin would like to take part in a questions and answers with me. Being the positive energy that he is, he agreed.

Thanks Martin "Grom" ya making a difference out there. Look what ya doing for my journey alone.


Q: Thanks Martin for taking the time to answer some questions. lets start with, What part of the world ya live in?

A: Born and raised in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.

Moved to Aylesbury when I was 12 and been here ever since.

Q: Ya names Martin, where did 30 Year Old Grom come from?

A: The 30 Year Old Grom came from a surfers term for kids or young surfer Grom/Grommet and I've always been a big kid at heart. Plus I wanted to learn how to surf in my older age so I'm a complete grom.

Q: We see you working at ya job through the week. What is it that you are building?

A: I build analyzers for use in the food an pharmaceutical industry. I used to build permeation analyzers under the same company but long story short I moved back to building the machines you see me make now.

Q: What got ya started with YouTube? What was the drive?

A: I was in a low part of my life for some years and I came across a New Jersey surfer by the name of Ben Gravy. I followed his story from battling with alcohol to recovering from and leg injury that could have stopped him surfer for ever. That inspired me to pick up a camera and show my story dealing with depression and addiction.

Q: Ya just got ya 1000 consecutive vlogs. Awesome by the way. Congrats!! So where are you taking it from here?

A: If I'm honest I have a very lose plan but I don't want to put it out to the universe until I actually reach the goal. For now I'm just going to keep on doing what I do and see where it takes me.

Q: Do you find that what you do is a great tool for your mind?

A: I can't tell you how much it's helped. How many times in life do you get the chance to watch back you day in detail. I really got a great opportunity to see the things that were making me sad, happy and everything in between. It was like I was being my on therapist.

Q: What got you involved with surfing?

A: The first thing that ever made me want to surf was watching Point Break as a kid. I just remember people around me at the time saying you have to be born by the sea to be like that, those people grow up doing it. It took me a long time and plenty of things that I was putting in my own way to stop me going for it but I'm finally starting to over come those hurdles.

Q: Another great mind shifter for you, correct?

A: Yes! So my original idea (back in 2013) was basically to run away from the UK and go find a life in Hawaii, yeah. I wasn't in a health mindstate. Since then I've cut back all the if only's and focused more and more on the this is what I need to do if i want to learn to surf in the UK. Plus on top of that I have to get over my own anxiety of being in deep water, travelling on my own and a tonne of other issues I've had to overcome in the pursuit of something that I want to achieve in this life.

Q: What's the emotions ya feel when ya out there with the board?

A: Currently I have to think so much as to what I'm doing I don't get much time when I actually going through the motions to be like, OMG I'm surfing. However the feeling of just being in the water on a surfboard blows my mind. It's so relaxing, peaceful and so far from the daily grind. Plus there ain't no mobile phones out there. Also for me I get that sense of never let anyone say you can't do something. If you have the want and determination go for it.

Q: Love the Hawaiian shirt Friday, mate. What started all that going?

A: I have to give a shout out to a friend of mine Jason Glawe who works for the same company that I do but is based in the states. A few years back I had the chance to meet him. Long story short the factory out there always done Hawaiian shirt Friday's but sadly the factory was closed one day almost nearly all lost their jobs. I started rocking the Hawaiian shirt as a reminder that it could have easily been us that walked in and got told to go home that day.

You need to try it though, You'd be surprised just how many smiles it brings throughout the day.

Q: Haven't seen much of the art work that ya have done in the past. Can we look forward to a bit more of the art side of Grom?

A: I have a really bad trait of going through fases. So one time it will be airsoft, then skating, fishing... Just recently I've got back into the art thing but I'm currently finding it hard to find the time. What with everything else but the art has gone my towards making new T-shirt designs and so for now there will be art coming but in different forms.

Thanks Grom for the opportunity to fire some questions your way and get to know the fella behind the Channel a little better. Go over to Groms YouTube channel. Give him a like and subscribe. Show some love for those out there pushing and doing what they love to do. Along with the Positive vibe. Moving towards happiness.

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